12/09/2019 Half Year Results Announcement

Credit Corporation Group delivered an excellent first half to 30 June 2019 (1H19) with a 31.5% increase in Core Operating Profit to K70.7m and a 12.6% increase in Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) to K78.4m, compared to the 30 June 2018 (1H18) half year result.
Credit Corporation Chief Executive Officer, Peter Aitsi said it was pleasing these excellent results were achieved despite a backdrop of macro-economic challenges in respective countries in 1H19.
“The finance business experienced double-digit lending growth, while funding levels also grew in step with this,” he said “Improved customer partnerships and a continued focus on delivering for our lending customers has improved the profile of the finance business in key markets. These initiatives, coupled with attractive market rates, have further strengthened the Group’s balance sheet and overall funding capacity.”